Bio Degradable Lubricants

HABOT Oil (Pty) Ltd in partnership with NOVVI LLC in USA, have developed a unique renewable, biodegradable technology, based on NovaSpec range of base oils, pioneered by Novvi. NovaSpec base oils are produced from plant sugar, which are converted to pure hydrocarbon molecules through an advanced industrial biotechnology platform. Due to this unique technology developed by Novvi that the NovaSpec base oils are purer and contain none of the impurities found in the conventional base oils derived from crude petroleum. Formulated with the highest levels of performance and reduced environmental impact. Operating cost reduction is expected based on decreased energy consumption and extended drain intervals. Compatible with mineral oils and can be used to top up and replace existing fl uids.
• Excellent corrosion protection. Fast air release resulting in increased lubrication
• High oxidation and thermal stability – minimising sludge and deposit formation
• Low volatility characteristics
• Excellent demulsibility
• Environmentally friendly, renewable biodegradable, and non-toxic
• Reduced energy consumption and extended drain intervals
• Very good natural lubricity
All types of hydraulic systems.
May also be used in circulatory systems.
Rotary screw, vane, turbine and reciprocating air compressors.
General purpose lubrication
Habot – ECO H 4000 Bio Series meet or exceed the following performance profi les:
• ISO 11158 (HV)
• DIN 51524, p.1, p.2 and p.3 (HL, HLP, HVLP)
• US Steel 127 and 136
• ISO 12925 (CKB, CKC)
• DIN 51517, p.1, and p.2 (C, CL)
• AGMA 9005-E02 (RO, EP)
• David Brown S1.53.106
Properties Test Method Units Typical Results
HABOT CODE Eco H – 4032 Bio Eco H – 4046 Bio Eco H – 4068 Bio
ISO Grade 32 46 68
Viscosity @ 40°C ASTM D445 cSt 32 46 68
Viscosity @ 100°C ASTM D445 cSt 5.9 7.5 9.8
Viscosity Index 131 126 127
Flash point ASTM D92 °C 238 254 254
Pour Point ASTM D97 °C <-42 -51 <-42
Copper Corrosion ASTM D130 1a 1a 1a
Density @20°C ASTM D4052 °C 0.83 0.83 0.83
EcoToxicity OEC 201,202
and 203 Pass Pass Pass
6 x 1L Cases
4 x 5L Cases
25L Pails
210L Drums
1000L IBC

HABOT Oil (Pty) Ltd in partnership with NOVVI LLC in USA, have developed a unique renewable, biodegradable technology, based on NovaSpec range of base oils, pioneered by Novvi. NovaSpec base oils are produced from plant sugar, which are converted to pure hydrocarbon molecules through an advanced industrial biotechnology platform. Due to this unique technology developed by Novvi that the NovaSpec base oils are purer and contain none of the impurities found in the conventional base oils derived from crude petroleum. Formulated with the highest levels of performance and reduced environmental impact. Operating cost reduction is expected based on decreased energy consumption and extended drain intervals. Compatible with mineral oils and can be used to top up and replace existing fl uids.
• Excellent corrosion protection. Fast air release resulting in increased lubrication
• High oxidation and thermal stability – minimising sludge and deposit formation
• Low volatility characteristics
• Excellent demulsibility
• Environmentally friendly, renewable biodegradable, and non-toxic
• Reduced energy consumption and extended drain intervals
• Very good natural lubricity
• Extended compressor life & longer drain intervals
Rotary screw, vane, turbine and reciprocating air compressors.
Suitable for some process – gas compressors.
(Can be used where incidental food contact may occur.)
Habot – ECO H 1000 Bio Series meet or exceed the following performance profi les:
• ISO 11158 (HV)
• DIN 51524, p.1, p.2 and p.3 (HL, HLP, HVLP)
• US Steel 127 and 136
• ISO 12925 (CKB, CKC)
• DIN 51517, p.1, and p.2 (C, CL)
• AGMA 9005-E02 (RO, EP)
• David Brown S1.53.106
Properties Test Method Units Typical Results
HABOT CODE Eco H – 1032 Bio Eco H – 1046 Bio Eco H – 1068 Bio
ISO Grade 32 46 68
Viscosity @ 40°C ASTM D445 cSt 32 46.00 68
Viscosity @ 100°C ASTM D445 cSt 5.9 7.500 9.8
Viscosity Index 131 126 127
Flash point ASTM D92 °C 238 254 254
Pour Point ASTM D97 °C <-42 -51 <-42
Copper Corrosion ASTM D130 1a 1a 1a
Density @ 20°C ASTM D4052 °C 0.83 0.83 0.83
Biodegradability OECD 3018 >75% >65 >65
Biobased Carbon content ASTM D6866 % 50 50 50
Ecotoxicity OEC 201,202
and 203 Pass Pass Pass
6 x 1L Cases
4 x 5L Cases
25L Pails
210L Drums
1000L IBC

HABOT Oil (Pty) Ltd in partnership with NOVVI LLC in USA, have developed a unique renewable, biodegradable technology, based on NovaSpec range of base oils, pioneered by Novvi. NovaSpec base oils are produced from plant sugar, which are converted to pure hydrocarbon molecules through an advanced industrial biotechnology platform. Due to this unique technology developed by Novvi that the NovaSpec base oils are purer and contain none of the impurities found in the conventional base oils derived from crude petroleum. Formulated with the highest levels of performance and reduced environmental impact. Operating cost reduction is expected based on decreased energy consumption and extended drain intervals. Compatible with mineral oils and can be used to top up and replace existing fl uids.
• Excellent corrosion protection. Fast air release resulting in increased lubrication
• High oxidation and thermal stability – minimising sludge and deposit formation
• Eco friendly, renewable, biodegradable, and non-toxic
• Extended gear intervals
• Longer gear life
• Reduced energy consumption and extended drain intervals
• Compatible with mineral and PAO-based lubricants
All gearboxes, speed reducers, and units requiring E.P. oil.
All enclosed spiral, bevel, hypoid, herringbone and worm gear units.
Plain and anti-friction bearings.
Bushes, cams, and sliding surfaces
Habot – ECO H 3000 Bio Series meet or exceed the following performance profi les:
• ISO 11158 (HV)
• DIN 51524, p.1, p.2 and p.3 (HL, HLP, HVLP)
• US Steel 127 and 136
• ISO 12925 (CKB, CKC)
• DIN 51517, p.1, and p.2 (C, CL)
• AGMA 9005-E02 (RO, EP)
• David Brown S1.53.106
Properties Test Method Units Typical Results
HABOT CODE Eco H – 30150 Bio Eco H – 30220 Bio Eco H – 30320 Bio
ISO Grade 150 220 320
Viscosity @ 40°C ASTM D445 cSt 150 220 320
Viscosity @ 100°C ASTM D445 cSt 18.1 23.7 30.2
Viscosity Index 128 131 130
Flash point ASTM D92 °C >255 >255 >255
Pour Point ASTM D97 °C <-20 <-19 <-15
Copper Corrosion ASTM D130 1a 1a 1a
Density @15°C ASTM D4052 °C 0.84 0.86 0.87
Bidegradibility OECD 3018 % <65 <50 >50
Biobased Carbon content ASTM D6866 % 50 50 50
Ecotoxicity OEC 201,202
and 203 Pass Pass Pass
6 x 1L Cases
4 x 5L Cases
25L Pails
210L Drums
1000L IBC